Weldios University Benin

The scholarship offer you have been waiting for.

Instructions for filling in the Application Form

Step 1: Fill in the details

  • Enter all relevant details carefully. Data Once Submitted can not be changed. So Please take a look before final Submission.
  • Keep Ready a scanned color copy of Student’s Photo in jpg/jpeg format
  • Take a Printout of the Application form before pressing the Submit Button. You can sign the hard copy of the application form and submit it along with copies of the documents.
  • All copies of documents should be self-attested.
  • The original documents should be brought to the school for verification and return
  • The original transfer certificate from the current school (where applicable) will be retained by the School.

Step 2: Confirmation of Submission

  • Press the Submit Button
  • After successful Submission of Application Form, you will get a confirmation message on screen
  • Attach all the relevant documents with Printed Application Form, Sign the Form and submit the documents in the Admissions Office when you are called by the School for a Student Assessment and Interview of Parents.
Scholarship University Enrollment Form

Background Information: